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Software Operation

vo—ce is a software running on Android and Windows mobile devices. Once launched, vo—ce connects to the server and starts receiving data from it. vo—ce analyzes the data, searching for any relevant information addressed to it, like a message to speak or a setting command (for example, speech rate, speech volume or tone). vo—ce recognizes this information thanks to the prex and su x
tags dened in the conguration le. At the same time, vo—ce listens to what the users are saying and, when it recognizes a voice command, it encodes it and sends it to the server

Mobile Computers Currently Used in Project

In the fteen years of voice project we’ve seen that the settings and the End User expectations may vary. For this reason we prefer to talk about devices tested rst in lab and then on site, thus, going beyond the concept of a “certi ed device”

Our vo—ce support team is always available to test new devices for free and share their laboratory-based evaluation results. If you own a device that doesn’t appear in the list of mobile computers used on site, we kindly ask you to contact us: the device may have already been tested in lab otherwise we can arrange a test shortly


  • WT6000
  • WT6300
  • MC3300
  • TC2X
  • TC5X
  • TC7X
  • MC9300 (incluso il modello per celle frigorifere)
  • VC8300


  • EDA50
  • EDA51
  • EDA52
  • CK65
  • CT60 / CT60XP
  • CT40
  • CT45
  • Thor VM1A
  • Dolphin 75


  • Memor10
  • Memor30

Power Squared

vo—ce consists of an application for mobile devices and of vo—ce Tools, PC software predisposed for initial conguration and user interface

Technical Features: Everything You Need to Know

ASR and TTS speech engines from Nuance Integration with ERP/WMS via VT100/220, 5250, HTTP, RDP and Citrix (Windows version only) and proprietary TCP/IP protocols SDK version available

Those Who Choose vo—ce, Do So Because…

Multilingual and cosmopolitan

It’s linguistically complete: Italian, French, English, Dutch, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Brazilian, Polish, Russian and Swedish have already been tested and other languages can be congured
thanks to the Nuance speech engines. The know-how is shared with more than 6,000 operators

It’s there, but you don’t see it

Light and multi-modal, it does not require extra band or batteries and allows operators to manage picking and inventory, goods entry and storage operations with the same device

Everybody likes it and gets along with it

It’s welcomed with enthusiasm by the employees, because it adapts to every operator, even non-native speakers or the less quali ed ones It’s compatible with handheld, wearable and vehicle-mounted
devices, including the old ones. with wired, dect or bluetooth headsets and wired or bluetooth ring scanners. with smart glass, scales and other devices It’s independent from ERP and WMS. there’s no need for additional middleware, hardware or software or maintenance

It doesn’t fail

It’s reliable, thanks to the TTS and ASR engines from Nuance, the leader of language and image solutions. It’s level of accuracy is 99.8% or higher

Can You Imagine Something Better?

The increase in productivity reaches 15 – 20%. The price/performance ratio is competitive and the payback is only 10 – 12 months. Lists, labels and paper documents are no longer necessary: errors are reduced by 80 – 95%. Free hands and eyes make the work environment safer and more comfortable.

vo—ce AR, the Newbie Is Already Great

The reality is now augmented. The bene ts have also increased. vo—ce AR is the software that perfects order preparation. The operator works in the augmented reality with a virtual copy of the warehouse based on its layout and on the picking list. Everything is connected and integrated into a single solution: 3D, audio input (TTS) and output (ARS), barcode/QR scanning, etc. vo—ce AR is an Android application developed with Wikitude framework for augmented reality. Google Glass, Hololens, Epson Moverio have already been tested and we are looking forward to new AR devices

vo—ce Session, to Prevent You from Disconnection Issues

The introduction of Android mobile computers in warehouses has led to much more frequent situations with emulation disconnections then they used to happen with Windows devices. Since any latency or disconnection leads to major inconveniences for the warehouse operators, the client-server communication protocol requires a stable and e cient network to guarantee the best operational performance.

When working with VT100 and 5250 emulators, a lack of connection between the client and the server always leads to a reset of the picking session. This means that once the communication is restored, the operator has to log in and restart the task that they have been performing. Therefore, when a simple disconnection occurs lasting even few seconds, the operators may stop working for minutes.

It is denitely impossible for us to avoid client-server network disconnections since there are quite a few aspects that may cause them, the network architecture characteristics being one of them.
However, one can try to preserve the operating session when such disconnections occur. This is why our team developed vo—ce Session, an application that maintains the telnet session with mobile computers active even when the connection with the server is lost. As a result, the operator’s inactive times are reduced to those of the disconnection.

E-paper Labels

E-paper labels have already conquered the retail sector. Placed on the store shelves they show the product’s title, price and other information that can be updated at any time. However, this versatile
tool can also help to raise e ciency of manufacturing and logistics processes. The sturdiness of the device and the long battery life make electronic labels a perfect tool that reduce the use of the paper ones and further automate logistic processes. Besides, thanks to the proprietary protocol, the e-paper labels system doesn’t interfere with the wi coverage of the warehouse but works as a parallel system with its own access points.

There are several ways to integrate e-paper lables into the voice picking process. For example, they can be used to display the check digit that can be changed as frequently as needed, to identify the
printer that the operator is using or the correct loading bay. Moreover, thanks to the led option, it’s possible to support voice commands with visual input, extremely important in case of multiproduct locations.

For more information on e-paper labels integration with vo—ce, please, feel free to contact vo—ce support

vo-CE brAIn: vo-CE meets Artificial Intelligence

vo-CE brAIn is a new ecosystem that oers a suite of innovative functionalities to optimize warehouse operations.

Terminal location management is the star feature. Indeed, the application of Artificial Intelligence makes it possible to extract additional information on operational flows, enabling the analysis and processing of data necessary to provide information regarding the location of the terminal within the warehouse. Consultation of the collected data can take place from any PC location, so that the desired information can be quickly matched.

With reference to the location of the devices, vo-CE brAIn provides several functionalities to ensure the optimization of warehouse operations, including the analysis of the routes taken during picking,
the identi cation of the last area where the device connected to the system, the statistics of the frequented areas in a given time interval and the heat map of the wi coverage.

Unlike a Real Time Locating System, vo-CE brAIn does not require the installation of additional hardware and software architecture and, like vo-CE, it is usable on a wide range of devices.